Welcoming Claire Cassidy

Sydney Tyler McCord

The 2017-2018 school year has not only welcomed in the class of 2021 but has also had the opportunity to add several new teachers to the Sage Hill community. One of which is Claire Cassidy, an Algebra and Calculus teacher, as well as a coach for girls’ J.V. tennis.

Cassidy began teaching math in college but after opportunities in other fields and 7 kids came along, she retired for a number of years to become a full time mom.

“About 15 years ago, I missed working, but wanted something I felt more passionate about. An opportunity came up for me to teach math, and I was instantly bitten by the teaching bug. I love it!” Cassidy said.

Her passion for teaching as well as inspiring young minds easily translates into her enthusiastic lessons and the fun and vibrant energy she brings to all her classes.

“It doesn’t really feel like work for me. I always look forward to getting to school every day, and when I’m in the classroom, I have a blast!” Cassidy said.

It doesn’t hurt that Cassidy is a self proclaimed “math nerd,” as “it was my favorite subject in school” Cassidy said. “And when I get something to “click” for a student, or better yet, get them genuinely excited about something in math, it’s very personally rewarding for me.”

For instance, Cassidy prides herself in ensuring that her students are not “Joe Rookies,” locked up in “Math Jail.” And in other words, she makes sure her classes aren’t making “rookie math mistakes even when they understand the larger concept at hand.

She even keeps a humorous cardboard cut out of the main character of  director, Jay Roach’s Austin Powers to stand in as the class’s one and only “Joe Rookie.”

In addition to creating a lively atmosphere in her classroom, Cassidy has a respect for her students that helps inspire in them a love of learning.

“There’s so much I love about it [teaching], but I think the number one thing is connecting with young adults. You guys are done being children, and are at that fully optimistic stage of life where you have so many possibilities. You bring an energy to the learning process that I love to tap into” Cassidy said.

Furthermore, Cassidy has been feeling right at home in the Sage Hill community.

“I absolutely love Sage. I have some fabulous colleagues, particularly in my department.

There is a level of expected rigor that encourages me to be creative in curriculum development and that, given my math nerd tendencies, is really fun for me. I think most of all, it has been the students that have impressed me. Sage is my favorite place I’ve ever worked already!” Cassidy said.

Ultimately, Cassidy has brought a fresh and captivating spirit to Sage Hill’s campus that both she and her students enjoy being a part of every day.

“I mean seriously,” Cassidy said. “How many people can say that they have fun every single day when they are working? I feel like I’m very lucky to have discovered this career path.”