Welcoming Laura Lyons

Jacob Gibbs

Laura Lyons, born and raised in Orange County, moved up to San Francisco in her twenties to join her sister, thinking that it would be a “fun adventure.”  She has since moved back from San Francisco to become part of the Sage Hill community.

Lyon’s said she moved back from San Francisco because “[she] had a baby in April … and [she] really wanted to raise her here, since all [her] family support is down here.”  With her husband and four-month-old daughter, she moved from Stuart Hall’s Schools in San Francisco to Orange County.

She wanted to raise her daughter in the suburbs.  Prior to teaching at Sage Hill, Lyons had only taught at all boy’s and all girl’s academies.  

Lyons said that when she began teaching at Sage Hill she was, “looking forward to teaching at [her] first co-ed school… in all [her] years of teaching, [she has] never [taught] at a co-ed school.”

She grew up in Orange County and attended Rosary Academy in Fullerton.  Because of all the family she has here and her experiences as a child, Orange County has always been her true home.

Lyon’s said, “we wanted to move [to Orange County], so I was actually looking for a job after we’d bought the house … we were pretty certain we wanted to move here [since] we had the baby, who is now seven-months old.”

Laura Lyons is looking forward to her first year as part of the Sage Hill english team, and the school is very excited to have her in the classroom and around campus.