Freshmen Co-Chairs: Working Towards A Good Year

Freshmen Kate Knollenberg and Miles Wilson were announced as this year’s ninth grade co-chairs during lunch Oct. 13 in Wilkins Town Square.

It was a tough competition this year, with several qualified candidates running for the position. With the intensity of the elections, two run-offs ensued.

“I did not expect to win at all,” Knollenberg admitted.

Concerning this year’s goals, both co-chairs have in mind similar ambitions. Hopes for the upcoming pep rally and bonding experiences are among the co-chairs’ shared aspirations.

“[I definitely don’t want to] lose the pep rally,” Wilson said.

Knollenberg held similar ideals, with aims to both make the year a generally good one in addition to doing things with a purpose.

“…I want everyone to have a fun year and bond because it’s our first year together, but [I also want to] incorporate a common purpose, something that’ll make a change,” Knollenberg said.

In terms of what they hope to gain from their new positions, both Knollenberg and Wilson hope to meet new people and come to understand their freshmen peers a bit better.

“I just feel like I want to get a kind of higher respect for the people in my grade,” Wilson explained.

Much like Wilson, Knollenberg expressed related feelings, with hopes of also improving her leadership skills.

“I just want people to have a good year,” Knollenberg said.