Donning plaid pajama pants and bringing their favorite stuffed animals to school, the student body kicked off Spirit Week with a classic theme, Pajama Day, on Oct. 21. Organized by Student Council members, Spirit Week was an opportunity for students and faculty to come up with creative and unique ways to match the assigned theme for each day.
After Pajama Day, Tuesday’s theme, Rhyme Without a Reason, saw duo or group costumes such as maternity and fraternity, princess and wild west, or rapper and napper. Wednesday followed up with a new theme: Everything but a Backpack. Students filed into their classrooms carrying their notebooks, folders, and other stationary in tote bags, pots, or even wagons. On Thursday, which was Senior Citizens vs. Babies Day, upperclassmen showed up in pearls, white wigs, and sweaters to match the underclassmen dressed in bibs, pacifiers, and onesies. The Parents Association also hosted Gelato Day during lunch, where students could choose between different flavors of gelato and customize their bowls with the various toppings offered, including chocolate chips, marshmallows, and candy.
The week closed out with Pep Rally Day on Friday, where students, teachers, and staff wore their grade-level T-shirts emblazoned with their assigned colors.
The Homecoming Pep Rally featured a performance from Sage Hill’s Dance Team to songs such as “Man Eater” and “Shut up and Drive,” a game of Zorb soccer, and grade-level music videos.
“For all the members on the Dance Team, it felt like such a privilege to dance at the Pep Rally and Homecoming football game, especially being able to contribute spirit and energy to such an exciting day,” Junior Dance Team Captain Chloe Haddad said. “We spent a long time on rehearsals and choreography, so we were so happy to feel the support of all the students.”
Placing in fourth place, the juniors ended up losing the first round of the soccer game to the seniors, who went on to play the sophomores in the final match. Although the sophomores made it to the finals, they ultimately lost to the seniors, leaving them in third place. Following their victory in both the soccer match and the overall Pep Rally, seniors stormed the gym, flocking to celebrate with one another and congratulate their classmates who had participated in the activities.
The freshman earned second place in their first Pep Rally after scoring points for their music video and class cheer.
“This was something I never had at my old school, everyone sitting together cheering for and celebrating their shared places in life, as well as everyone else’s. It was lively, fun, and a great time,” freshman Amelie Lalvani said.
On Saturday, following a victory against Chadwick School’s football team, students filled the art lobby for the annual Homecoming dance, dressed to the theme of New York City: The City that Never Sleeps. Although the location had changed from previous years of using the parking lots outside of the science buildings, the dance was elevated by the hard work of Student Council.
“At first, I was hesitant about the new location in the art lobby, but I was beyond content with how it turned out, and I’m sure we’ll be seeing a lot more dances held in there,” said Student Council Vice President Ella Wong. Other members of Student Council noted how exciting it was to be a part of the team that planned such a large event.
“I was so excited to plan Homecoming alongside my friend Haley [Li] this October,” Co-Activities Coordinator Cordelia Cieplucha said “Although we ran into some roadblocks regarding the budget and location, we were able to work through the challenges to put on a fun, memorable night for our fellow students.”