As the third movie and prequel to the Willy Wonka franchise, “Wonka,” starring Timothee Chalamet, is a sugar-coated story that is sure to make audiences of any age feel like a child again. The film centers around the eccentric chocolatier and eternal optimist Willy Wonka and his role as a good-hearted hero who saves his friends and finds his place in the world. Chalamet expertly plays this role through his intermittent melodies and doe-eyed appearances, blending charming naivety with a fittingly sweet spin on the classic character. While Tim Burton’s “Charlie and the Chocolate Factory” gives Roald Dahl’s tale a darker spin, both in its visuals and overall storyline, “Wonka” takes on this fantastical story in a more old-fashioned and light-hearted manner—without making it overly saccharine. In addition to the admirable portrayal of Willy Wonka, the film also incorporates magical visuals against the backdrop of 1930s London. Similar to the Mary Poppins franchise, “Wonka” offers a whimsical take on the routine of daily life in a cinematic escape that will leave you with a smile on your face —and perhaps a chocolate craving.
The Wonderfully Whimsical World of “Wonka”
Yasmin Dennis, Opinion Editor
February 1, 2024
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