Grounded in the Garden

Since the garden’s move from the tennis courts to the science center, many changes and exciting new improvements have been made.

Lauren Fieberg and the Garden Club, which meets Fridays during X-Blocks, have continued to manage and help the garden prosper. “It’s the one place on campus where you don’t have to compete… It’s a brain break,” Fieberg said.

Garden Club member junior Andrea Flores joined the club her freshman year with no prior experience but has since gained a deep appreciation and knowledge of how to maintain a garden.

“I find it difficult to [find time to be in nature due to my busy schedule], but being part of the Garden Club has helped me connect with something I love.”

Among the greatest setbacks of relocation was the loss of soil. As Lauren Fieberg explained, one must “grow” nutrient rich soil with techniques such as composting. So, a sizable challenge has been getting almost a completely new supply of soil then starting from scratch to enrich it.

“I feel very grounded [in the garden] since we are connecting with nature,” parent John Dewey said at a recent community garden party. “In a way, it returns us to our roots.” He noted that our culture seems particularly divorced from nature, considering that commercial produce is shipped from thousands of miles away and comes to us via massive corporations.

At the same event, nutritionist Carollann Rosenberg was elated to see the garden growing such a variety of organic, healthy and fresh food. She also looks forward to it continuing to expand.

Fieberg captured the spirit of the garden best when in three words she described it as “experiential, magical and inspirational.”